Taking Care of Yourself
- Do you spend all your time and energy taking care of other people?
- Do you find you have little or no energy left to take care of yourself?
- Do you sacrifice your needs in order to meet others' needs?
- Do you feel it is your duty to always put others first?
- Do you feel guilty when, at times, you resent your role as a caretaker?
Does this sound familiar? If you have ever felt like this, you are not alone—and there is real and lasting help in the form of the Sedona Method.
Many of us spend too much of our time and energy caring for others and ignoring our own needs and desires. The Sedona Method will show you how to get your own life back, even while you continue, when appropriate, to be there for others. It will also help you to distinguish between appropriate giving and caring and going overboard to the point of martyring yourself unnecessarily.
"My mother is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and, in dealing with her, these tapes have been a Godsend. I had to go take care of her for 10 days while my dad had knee surgery. I know that had I not listened to these tapes prior to that trip, the 10 days would have been 10 years. I just finished my second full listening of these tapes and when breakthroughs happen, they are sometimes so powerful that tears come and that choked feeling is there. This morning after hearing the last tape again, I felt so light and the rays of brightness that filled my body were like the sun had taken over and splattered freedom and peace from my insides out. It is the best thing that has come along in years."
Catherine Long, El Prado, New Mexico
Feel your urge to give too much of yourself away dissolve on the spot.
When you perceive you are about to give too much of yourself away again, simply ask yourself the easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember questions that make up the Sedona Method. You will feel the urgency and tightness leaving your stomach, shoulders and chest. In its place, you will feel ease, relaxation and confidence.
You will no longer feel like an out-of-control victim of your circumstances. Feeling more relaxed, you will be capable of handling whatever life throws at you more easily. The noise of your mind will subside, and you will have the clarity of mind to say and do what is appropriate and natural in order to master any life situation.
You don’t have to struggle to take care of yourself anymore.
The Sedona Method will show you how to rid yourself of the inner cause of any unwanted behavior. The Sedona Method is a unique, elegantly powerful and complete system on its own that can also be used to get more out of any other program for dealing with the caretaking issues you face.
Your key to going beyond the compulsion to give inappropriately–the Sedona Method.
The scientifically proven Sedona Method is an elegant, easy-to-learn, do-it-yourself system that will show you how to tap your natural ability to let go of any negative thought or feeling on the spot—including the motivators for putting others first when it is detrimental to you. It can be used in life to get immediate relief from the effects of this behavior whenever you feel you are losing control.
The Sedona Method also helps you to easily break the patterns of thought and behavior that cause this form of self-sabotage to reoccur. As you tap into your natural ability to release, you’ll find that you can let go of whatever it is that is causing you to do things that you later regret.
"I felt my family was spiraling down and somehow I needed to fix everything. This week I released and found my problems to be blown up, exaggerated, and actually ridiculous. I found I was trying to change things completely out of my control, which led to a tremendous lightness. Already when I stopped ‘trying,’ the relationships have naturally turned themselves around with no effort whatsoever. I’ve left the painful past behind and am open to whatever comes."
Kathleen Agid, Trumbull, CT
What is the Sedona Method?
As you use the Method, you will find over time that the very situations and experiences that you used to find the most painful or disturbing will become less and less so, until you may even find that they no longer have an impact on your life.
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the hundreds of thousands of people just like you who have radically changed
their lives for the better with The Sedona Method.
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wellness professionals.